Media: Acrylic On Canvas
Size: 50(W) x 40(H) cm
Production: July 2016
Painting code: G0023
?Artist was inspired by God with the picture and message and idea and painted during the worship authentically. This is very special and unique painting with special anointing and limited edition.


Each Line Represents each person, the character and way of life of each person are very different, and it will be very difficult in unity for each other, it will hurt each other when we get together. Only people are close to God, by their light and love to transform life, and life becomes soft and in one. The only light in left upper represent the holy spirit will continuously transform us, so that our lives are more like Him. 每一條直線代表人,每人的性格和生活方式很不同,相處上會剌痛對方,很難合一。唯有各人親近神,被祂的光和愛轉化生命,生命才變得柔軟,合一。左上的光點是代表聖靈會不斷轉化我們,使我們生命更像祂。
