Old city of Jerusalem
Old city of Jerusalem
Media: Ink & Water color on canvas
Size: 132(W) x 102(H)cm
Production: 2009
Painting code: Li0029
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Content: Looking closely toward the wall parallel…Overlooking from the Mount of Olives across the Kidron valley, one can sense Jesus second coming…any time on any date..in a broad daylight just like this one in the old city. Background: Mount of Olives, a flat-topped ridge with steep rocky sides, is 830m (2794 ft) high and is believed to have been the place of Jesus ascension (as recorded in the biblical book of Acts 1:2). In the Old Testament, Zechariah prophesied the second coming day of the Lord. Zech 14:4 "In that day His feet will stand on the Mount of Olives, which faces Jerusalem on the east. And the Mount of Olives shall be split in two from east to west, making a very large valley; half of the mountain shall move toward the north and half of it toward the south." 從橄欖山眺望,穿越基龍山谷,人可以感受到基督再臨的氣氛..在任何時候、日子,就好像這一個大白天的舊城那般。 橄欖山是一個平頭具有陡坡的山丘。為830米(2794 尺)高,相信是耶穌曾升天之處(记載在聖經的使徒行傳 1:2 )。在舊約中,先知撒迦利雅喻言基督的再來的日子。 撒迦利雅書:那 日 、 他 的 腳 必 站 在 耶 路 撒 冷 前 面 朝 東 的 橄 欖 山 上 . 這 山 必 從 中 間 分 裂 、 自 東 至 西 、 成 為 極 大 的 谷 . 山 的 一 半 向 北 挪 移 、 一 半 向 南 挪 移 。
