Cephas Chan


1996-2009, Cephas Chan had been doing scenic paintings and props design for different local comics and local CG animation company.

In 2009, under the tutelage and nurture of the artist Frank Kwok (Founder of Artist Cradle), he started his own art creations ever since, and also taught an extracurricular class for children in local secondary schools and Community Centres.
As a member of Art To Fly, Cephas has participated in many group exhibitions and has organised solo exhibitions. He worked as tutor in the Artist Cradle ministry from 2009 to Aug 2017.  Currently he is teaching in the Swiss Art Studio collaterally with his art creating life.

With Authentic worship Ministry, Cephas creates various paintings during worship service with spontaneous inspirations. His paintings have encouraged and touched many people.



作為薈彩25 (Art To Fly)會員 , Cephas曾参與多個聯展及舉辦個人展覧。他在2009年至2017年8月期間擔任藝術家搖籃(Artist Cradle)的導師。目前他正在瑞士畫室擔任導師, 並藝術創作生活。

師從藝術家郭志立老師Frank Kwok (Artist Cradle 藝術家摇籃創辦人)

関於真實敬拜事工, 陳子超從神而來的靈感下創作各種繪畫於敬拜聚會中。他的繪畫鼓勵並感動了很多人。