藝術源於天地,創造就是美的視覺和接觸;德布西Debussy 受夜空感動,寫出《月光Claire de Lune》, 梵谷 Van Gogh 則畫出《星夜Starry Night》;大衛王因注視夜空寫下詩篇
Art was originated from the nature, creation is the combination of beauty from vision and sense of touch. Debussy was moved by the night that he composed the song “Claire de Lune”, while Van Gogh created the painting “Starry Night”; gazing at the night sky, David wrote the beautiful verses in Psalms 8:3-4 “When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is mankind that you are mindful of them, human beings that you care for them?”
I was brought up with creative arts. Thank God that He has given me a passion for arts, I do not only create and study my own art works, but also aspire to nurture and train the next generation, to inspire lives and pass on aspiration, so that art can have more room for development in Hong Kong.
Therefore, I founded “Artist cradle” in 2008, hoping to let more people learn painting in leisure time and cultivate their artistic characters. I also serve as a mentor in secondary schools, so as to cultivate students’ interests and techniques in painting, three-dimensional work and ceramics, and they may experience something different from regular school classes.
Furthermore, I hope to bring together a group of artists with common goals through different joint painting events for exchanging and sharing of creative ideas. Apart from that, I organize exhibitions regularly in different galleries and museums, so that more people can enjoy and benefit from the visual arts work